Kafka Needs No Keeper



Apache ZooKeeper

ZooKeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services. Version Control · Confluence ZooKeeper wiki · ZooKeeper 3.7.2 · Releases

Apache ZooKeeper

Once a new minor version is released, the stable version is expected to be decommissioned soon and in approximately half a year will be ...

Apache ZooKeeper

If you are going to compile with Java 1.8, you should use a recent release at u211 or above. Contributing. We always welcome new contributors to the project!

Apache ZooKeeper™ Releases

The stable version of ZooKeeper is 3.8.x and the current version is 3.9.x. Once a new minor version is released, the stable version is expected to be ...

Index of zookeeper

ZooKeeper Releases. Please make sure you're downloading from a nearby mirror site, not from www.apache.org. We suggest downloading the current stable release.

Installing Apache ZooKeeper on Windows - Shahrukh Aslam

JRE is required to run Apache Zookeeper. At the time of writing this, the stable version of zookeeper is 3.4.9. You can download and unzip it ...

ZooKeeper (Apache) | Release lifecycle & end-of

The stable version of ZooKeeper is 3.7.x and the current version is 3.8.x. Once a new minor version is released, the stable version is expected to be ...


I tried to find where does ZooKeeper read the version number but it's just a .jar and some lib files. Do you know where can I get the real version I'm ...

zookeeper package versions

Versions for zookeeper ; nixpkgs stable 24.05 · zookeeper · 3.9.2 ; nixpkgs stable 24.11 · zookeeper · 3.9.3 ; nixpkgs unstable · zookeeper · 3.9.3 ; openEuler ...

[Zookeeper] Upgrade to latest stable release (3.8.4) #1822

Bug fixes, but no security issues. We're currently on 3.8.3 Client side jar needs to be updated as well.


ZooKeeperisacentralizedserviceformaintainingconfigurationinformation,naming,providingdistributedsynchronization,andprovidinggroupservices.VersionControl·ConfluenceZooKeeperwiki·ZooKeeper3.7.2·Releases,Onceanewminorversionisreleased,thestableversionisexpectedtobedecommissionedsoonandinapproximatelyhalfayearwillbe ...,IfyouaregoingtocompilewithJava1.8,youshouldusearecentreleaseatu211orabove.Cont...




Zoo Keeper 二代

Zoo Keeper 二代
